How To Make is a global community of experts who share their knowledge and experience on the pages of How To Make.

About How to Make
In today's world, people are experiencing information overload. There is not just a lot of information - there's an overwhelming amount of it. We consume it in huge quantities, more than ever before. However, the problem is that much of the content is not sufficiently reliable or often outdated.
The situation worsened with the emergence of various AI systems generating content. Now, AI machines are capable of creating content in massive amounts within minutes. But who checks how reliable it is?
Therefore, to find a solution to the issue you're interested in, you'll need to filter through dozens or even hundreds of guides to select a few genuinely useful ones. These should be written in plain language by experts in their respective niches.
Our mission is to provide highly accurate and comprehensive answers to popular questions in the fields of IT, business, and technology. The main condition is to help the reader achieve their goal. Be it creating folders on their iPhone or starting a business in the USA - it should be a step-by-step guide with a clear description of the necessary actions from an expert.
At How To Make, we compile a knowledge library in the form of step-by-step guides and manuals. Typically, these guides begin with the words: How to make... Each guide is written by our in-house experts or invited expert contributors.
Become One of Our Authors
We are always happy to welcome new authors to How To Make. You can live anywhere in the world and be anyone - if you know how to do something very well and can prove it, write to us. We'll be glad to publish your guides while preserving your authorship.
Since How To Make is run in English, all our contributors must have a high level of proficiency in the language. We do not tolerate mistakes in our materials and will have to decline your offer if your English level is not high enough.
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